Nettleingham Audio

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April 2011 Featured Artist: Van Oodles
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Van Oodles makes conscious kids music secretly designed to entertain adults.

This album was written as an effort to make family focused music not only entertaining and inspiring but hip and rockin’! If the artist isn’t entertained, the audience surely won’t be.

Van Oodles’ from the hip style of songwriting lends itself to having the guts to blaze a creative trail during the sometimes intimidating, lonely, dark pockets of the songwriting process and to “go for it” at the risk of sounding (insert adjective here)_____________, when your inner critic gets woken out of hibernation and turns into your scolding third grade teacher covered in boogers telling you that no matter what you do, it won’t be good enough or even worth doing for that matter.

Folks, Van Oodles went for it!

Kevin Nettleingham also went for it and thank goodness he did.

The result is an album titled Flossophy 101.

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