Nettleingham Audio

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September 2011

Mastered releases for PDX area artists: Colleen Raney & Colm MacCárthaigh, AnnaLee Foster, Sons of Malarkey, Oscillating Heads, Sam Wegman and Tim Uecker.

Mastered a 4 song EP for Brush Prairie with Zia McCabe of the Dandy Warhols.

Tracking with members of Tango Alpha Tango and Eddie “Skip” Parente for an upcoming release by Hannah Beth.

Tracking, mixing and mastering with Rainbow Noise.

Edited and mixed voice overs for Global Floral concepts.

Editing for Poor Boy’s Soul with T. Jones as well as Eagle McCall.

Recorded, mixed and mastered a 17 song release for Honkey Tonk Union.

Tracked bass and drums with Dave Captein and Anthony Jones for Rich Milock’s Eyepennies upcoming release.

Editing for the Gilbert and Friends Radio show.