Nettleingham Audio

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April 2008

Mastered releases for PDX area artists Jim Templeton’s Cosmic Dust, The Raining, Short Fuse, The Treasure of Candace, Cleveland High School Jazz Band under the direction of Kenney Polson, Orange Collection, Diatic Records artist Ben Macy, Soul Vaccination, 21 Horses and Mt. Hood Community College Jazz Band under the direction of Susie Jones. Mixed and mastered the new full length release by Portland band Kolvane entitled “Kill These Blues”. Mastered a collection of old time farm songs by Mike Cohen of Friday Harbor, Washington and a CD of gospel songs by Great Falls, Montana artist Denise Shaw. Tracked Tracey Harris for the new Ranlom CD. Tracked Candy, DT, Chris Bliss, Risha and Nitro Norm for J10 Records. Recorded a new CD of gospel songs featuring Carl Wirkkala and Lucas Holmgren. Tracked vocals and guitar for the upcoming album by Portland Blues band, Kode Bluuz. Mixed the new Greg Goss CD. Editing for Adam Zwig as well as continued editing for New Mexico based radio show, Gilbert and Friends.