Nettleingham Audio

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March 2007

Mastered releases for PDX area artists: Among the Decayed and Mt. Hood Community College Jazz Band under the direction of Susie Jones as well as Louisville, Kentucky band, The Fervor sent in their new CD for mastering. Mastered the new solo CD for Rye Hollow‘s singer, Breanna Paletta. Mixed and mastered a song with engineer producer Brandon Woods, featuring Tracey Harris singing. Transferred and edited a rerelease of M Wards CD entitled Duet for Guitars #2 Finished mixing and mastering Niel DePonte‘s Young Artists Debut! Volume 1. Recorded vocals for Maryland-based hip-hop trio Infinity as well as Tennessee group Havoc. Tracking for the upcoming Ranlom CD began, Matt Molnar on keys, Drew Shoals of the Ben Darwish Trio on drums and Israel Annoh on percussion. Recorded demo tracks for Tim Current and Carl Wirkkala. Continued editing for New Mexico based radio show, Gilbert and Friends.