Nettleingham Audio

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December 2012

Mastered releases for PDX area artists: Carol Ann Ledbetter-White and The Joy of Fiddlin’, Drew de Man, Carlson Wells, Tyler Stenson, and Quincy Davis.

December saw the rental of a Steinway D for a week. In that week Marjorie Millner recorded and mixed, Justin Stark and The Elicitors recorded, Joel Theophanes recorded as well as JeDee Ellis.

Recording, Mixing and mastering with Vicki Stevens and Sonny Hess.

Mixing with Matthew Gailey. Editing for Greg Goss. Recording with Lucas Holgren and Jed Bartausky.

Mixing and mastering with producer Brandon Woods.

Record PSAs with Steve Becker for CMC Cares.

Mixing and mastering with Vancouver rock band Crimson.