May 2006 Featured Artist: Saint
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Mastered releases for PDX area artists Ray Ottoboni, The Tony Green Orchestra, Headless Human Clones, Stan Lessard, Silentist and Fatecage. Merge Records band Spoon was in to re-mastered Soft Effects and Telephono, to be re-released as one. Mastered the Northwest Ray Charles Tribute album entitled Let the Good Times Roll featuring some of the best of the Portland music scene: Anthony Jones, Gene Houck, Eddie Martinez, Janice Scroggins, DK Stewart, George Mitchell, Stan Bock, Dan Brewster, Reggie Houston, Tim Bryson, Patrick Lamb, Renato Caranto, Steve Cannon, Dave Mills , Thara Memory, Peter Dammann, Sweet Baby James Benton, Andy Stokes, Duffy Bishop, Kristina Michell, Linda Hornbuckle, Lee Garrett, Norman Sylvester, Paul De Lay, Gretchen Mitchell and Olivia Warfield. Mastered a new solo CD for Patrick Lamb entitled Everybody’s Talking. Mastered Baraga, Michigan artist Cathy Bolton‘s new CD entitled Angels and Eagles. Began tracking Internationally renowned classical guitarist Alfredo Muro. Continued tracking for Carl Wirkkala as well as Tim Current. Began tracking a new CD for Bend, Oregon resident Matt Molnar. Principal bassoonist / producer Mark Eubanks came in to work on the Oregon Symphony‘s Classical #14, 15 and 17. Portions of this month’s news were published in the “Track Sheet” section of the August 2006 issue of Mix Magazine.
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