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Patrick Dunning
February 2007 Featured Artist: Patrick Dunning
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The Signature Project is multi-faceted. Its core is a huge 76 ft x 36 ft mural layered with hidden secrets. A live performance brings the mural to life, with artist Patrick Dunning ingeniously weaving stories and images in the great tradition of Irish artists. A unique, exhilarating tapestry blending art, music and technology, the live performance of The Signature Project also offers the opportunity for the audience to join over 300,000 people whose signatures already comprise the fabric of this monumental art work.

From the artist… “The Signature Project was conceived in 1992. My goal was to create a new art form, a digital tapestry that could be completed only by collaborating with over one million people. The finished painting will be a collection of layered images, one of which is composed entirely of individual signatures, while other layers are revealed by using x-rays, magnetic fields or ultraviolet lights. As Artist in Residence at OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry) I developed a more creative approach to gathering signatures, and slowly the project evolved into a performance. Assisted by my brother, Brian Dunning, music became a powerful element in communicating the emotional and visual essence of the work. While the images evoke strongly my own Irish heritage, the mural also tells stories about many of those who sign it, its multiple stories expressing the richness of world cultures. The painting is constantly changing and evolving as people contribute their own signature to the larger art work, adding perspectives and ideas which make the world so special and wonderful, beyond imagination.” Patrick Dunning is from Dublin, Ireland and now lives in Portland, Oregon, USA.

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